Sexual Activity and Contraceptive use among University Female Undergraduates in Makurdi, North-Central Nigeria

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B Utoo
P Eka
P Utoo
E Unazi
M Maanongun


High sexual activity with low contraceptive use among young women could give rise to complications such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. This study was aimed at determining sexual activities and contraceptive usage among female undergraduate students. It was a cross-sectional study using pretested self -administered questionnaires to collect data on socio-demographic variables, sexual activities and contraceptive use. Out of the four hundred and thirty one (431) students studied, three hundred and four (70.5%) were sexually active. The average age of sexual debut was 19.5 years. One hundred and twenty-seven (41.8%) had more than one sexual partner. Money was the reason for sex in more than one- third (37.4%). Contraceptive awareness and usage among the respondents was (96.1%) and (85.0%) respectively. The male condom was the commonest (52.4%) contraceptive used. Majority (65.9%) of the respondents believed contraceptive use could prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. There was a significant relationship between awareness of contraception and level of study (P =0.003). The study showed a high level of sexual activity, contraceptive knowledge and usage. There was a significant relationship between contraceptive awareness and academic level; as well as usage and protection against STD.  Girl child education, provision and promotion of utilization of reproductive health services should be sustained to safeguard the sexual health of young women.



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How to Cite
Utoo B, Eka P, Utoo P, Unazi E, Maanongun M. Sexual Activity and Contraceptive use among University Female Undergraduates in Makurdi, North-Central Nigeria. Wes J Med Biomed Sci [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];1(2):132-8. Available from:
Original Article


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