Nephrocurative Effect of Flavonoids-Rich Fraction of Irvingia gabonensis Seed Extract against Acetaminophen-induced Kidney Damage in Mice

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SZ Bala
M Hassan
AM Wudil
A Nasir


This paper investigated the nephrocurative effect of flavonoids-rich fraction of Irvingia gabonensis seed extract in acetaminophen-induced kidney damage in mice. The total flavonoids content of the different fractions of the extracts were reported to be higher in the Ethyl acetate fraction with a value of 47.20mg QE/g followed by Methanol 30.41mg QE/g, Chloroform 20.10mg QE/g, and Petroleum ether with 12.40mg QE/g. Further studies on the flavonoids-rich extract (Ethyl acetate fraction) revealed a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the inhibitory power of the flavonoids-rich fraction of Irvingia gabonensis (IG) seed extract and that of Vit. C. Accordingly, the IC50 of the flavonoids-rich fraction of Irvingia gabonensis seed extract (47.97µg/ml) calculated was observed to be higher than that of Vit. C. standard (25.76µg/ml). Studies on the nephrocurative effect indicate a positive result with significant deference across the group and an ultimate normalization of the kidney biomarkers. The curative effect of the extract is assumed to be dose and time depended on a drastic decrease in kidney biomarkers after four weeks of extract administration. Toxicity study of the extract also revealed the extract to be safe at ≤ 3000mg/kgbw. This study to an extent has proven that Irvingia gabonensis seeds are a promising source of alternative raw material in pharmaceuticals for kidney toxicity treatment. Therefore, the flavonoids rich fraction of Irvingia gabonensis seed extract may have curative effect in the treatment of kidney diseases.


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How to Cite
Bala S, Hassan M, Wudil A, Nasir A. Nephrocurative Effect of Flavonoids-Rich Fraction of Irvingia gabonensis Seed Extract against Acetaminophen-induced Kidney Damage in Mice. Wes J Med Biomed Sci [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2(2):131-4. Available from:
Original Article
Author Biographies

M Hassan, Department of Biology/Faculty of Science, Airforce Institute of Technology, Kaduna, Nigeria

Lecturer I

AM Wudil, Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Basic Medical Science, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria


A Nasir, Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Basic Medical Science, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria

Senior Lecturer 


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