As Drugs Assemble to Treat SARS-COV-2, Which Drug will Prove Efficacious : A Search for Suitable Drug or Vaccine to Manage COVID-19 Pandemic

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GTA Jombo
AM Onoja
KR Adigun
C Udu
BA Ojo


COVID-19 literally ambushed humanity and took the medical world by surprise with no adequate arrangement to manage it in terms of appropriate drugs and vaccine as the origin of the disease still remains a mystery. There has been aggressive search for an appropriate drug that will bring this pandemic with high mortality under control. This study took time to carry out a literature search on the drugs and medications so far tried on COVID-19 patients since its outbreak in Wuhan China to date. We carried out search on Medline, PubMed, SciElo, Google scholar, among others on drugs used for SARS-COV-2 infections and some of the documented outcomes. The study found a constraint in time by researchers to carry out a comprehensive study on any of the drugs since the disease was causing high mortalities across the globe. Most of the drugs that appeared beneficial and non-beneficial in treatment of SARS-COV-2 infections did not use adequate samples enough to draw statistically significant inferences. At the moment, high-impact treatment options for COVID-19 are; Antiviral drugs, Anti-inflammatory drugs, ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers, Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin and convalescent serum among several other options including COVID organics. We however recommend that treating Physicians are at liberty to use appropriate combination of medications at their disposal based on information provided below as we lack sufficient proof to make any drug recommendation. This may possibly reduce the rates of disease progressions from mild into severe disease requiring intensive care and ventilators.


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Jombo G, Onoja A, Adigun K, Udu C, Ojo B. As Drugs Assemble to Treat SARS-COV-2, Which Drug will Prove Efficacious : A Search for Suitable Drug or Vaccine to Manage COVID-19 Pandemic. Wes J Med Biomed Sci [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 14 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];1(1):1-18. Available from:
Review Article


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