Unexpected Low Covid-19 Mortalities Across Africa: What Could have Happened?

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AM Onoja
JJ Oloche
GTA Jombo
TA Onoja


COVID-19 mortalities have continued to be surprisingly low across Africa against all the earlier predictions. This has baffled the global scientific community and several hypotheses and theories have been propounded to explain the underlying factors for this unexpected occurrence. We found out that none of the theories is free of technical flaw, no matter how, as plausible as it may appear, it does not fully explain this phenomenon. Hence, we conclude that the mystery behind COVID-19 on African soil is yet to be unraveled. Meanwhile preventive measures already on ground should be sustained to keep the disease permanently low.


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How to Cite
Onoja A, Oloche J, Jombo G, Onoja T. Unexpected Low Covid-19 Mortalities Across Africa: What Could have Happened?. Wes J Med Biomed Sci [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];1(2):ix-xii. Available from: https://wjmbs.com.ng/index.php/wjmbs/article/view/34


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