Organic and In-organic Impacts of Road Dusts: Effects on Humans and Adjoining Communities
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Road side dust is a major health issue in both developed and developing parts of the world but worse in the later. This research perspective view paper takes a cursory looks at elemental components of roadside dusts along with its microbiological composition and the general impact on humans. Literature search was carries out for articles on roadside dusts, elements, heavy metals, microorganisms, and impacts on humans using online electronic databases such as Google scholar, PubMed, SciElo, Elsevier, and Science Direct for the past 15 years (2006-2021). Data obtained was analysed qualitatively after relevant information on the topic was extracted. The study found that non-carcinogenic elements include Ca Fe, Mg, Cu,and Zn while Pb, Hg, Ni, Cr, Cd and As are generally grouped as carcinogenic and are released and suspended from various anthropogenic activities on the roads and streets. Apart from cancers, metallic pollutions could predispose to other diseases such as cardiovascular, respiratory obstetric complications and renal. Contaminated foods from such dusts could also lead to various infections and infestations of the lungs and the intestines. Policies aimed at reducing heavy metal pollutions and roadside dusts in Nigeria and sub-saharan Africa, and indeed most of the developing world should be strengthened and actively enforced to curb the negative impact of roadside and street dust on humans.
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