Lead Poisoning and the Challenge of Global Healthy Living: A Call for Extra Vigilance and Attitudinal Change
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Lead (Pb) an element of long-standing historical importance to humanity still has several electrical, mechanical and chemical engineering benefits. The element has however been associated with several diseases in both adults and children causing several deaths across the globe which often go unnoticed. This editorial in a bird's-eye view, looks at the impacts of Pb poisoning across the globe, the sources of poisoning with advice on how to control this silent global epidemic. It is observed that Pb poisoning is still a global problem and the common sources of contamination and poisoning include human activities such as: emissions from high vehicular traffic density; illegal burning and processing of fossil fuels leading to soil, underground water and atmospheric pollution. Other sources include: industrial activities such as recycling Pb acid batteries, Pb water pipes, Pb paints, Pb creams, Pb toys, atmospheric emissions from Pb factories, Pb solder in food cans, Pb containing gasoline, and Pb cosmetics among others. Strict measures should therefore be put in place to limit the contamination of Pb and subsequent poisoning of our air, soil, water and food, and associated diseases so as to guarantee a healthier global population.
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